Accounts Receivables

Remote Accounting Services

We offer comprehensive remote accounting services tailored to the needs of both large national entities and smaller local businesses. Our focus lies predominantly on the management of accounts receivable and accounts payable, with the option to provide interim support in the role of accounting assistant.

Redovisningstjänster på distans

Vi tillhandahåller redovisningstjänster på distans – till såväl stora nationella bolag, som mindre lokala företag. Tyngden ligger på hantering inom kund- och leverantörsreskontra och vi kan därtill erbjuda dig interimslösningar för rollen som redovisningsassistent.

Customized Solutions

Our services are specifically tailored to meet your unique requirements, enabling us to manage all or specific segments of your financial processes. This can encompass invoicing, ledger management, payments, financial reporting, and reconciliations. Our approach is to operate efficiently and digitally, maintaining close collaboration with you, our client.

The SEVR Talent Community is a reliable, inquisitive, and impartial partner committed to delivering high-quality service and fostering strong relationships. Our objective is to support the growth and development of your business in your desired direction. At SEVR, we believe in building solid and lasting relationships, both internally among our team members and externally with our valued clients.

Skräddarsydda leveranser

Vi skräddarsyr helt enkelt våra leveranser utifrån ditt behov, där hela eller delar av processerna kan hanteras av oss. Det kan till exempel innefatta fakturering, kontering, betalningar, återrapportering och avstämningar. Vi eftersträvar alltid att arbeta effektivt och digitalt, och i nära samarbete med dig som kund.

SEVR Talent Community är en trygg, nyfiken och personoberoende samarbetspartner som med helhjärtat engagemang och hög kvalitét bidrar till att er verksamhet kan utvecklas i den riktning ni önskar. För oss är goda relationer A och O, både med varandra och våra kunder.

Experience timely and precise ledger services tailored for your business needs.

Business Areas


A modern and specialized recruitment partner for finance positions.


Provides qualified people in accounting, finance, and financial controlling for temporary needs, bridging gaps or staffing projects.


This service is suitable for companies that need a CFO, either on a part-time basis or for special projects and situations.


Our expertise spans strategic consulting, capitalization, implementation support and international expansion, with a particular focus on the United States and Europe.

Accounting & Payroll

We offer a range of full-service accounting, or individual services based on your unique needs. We also provide payroll services.

Accounts Receivable

We provide payment processing – to large national companies, as well as smaller local companies.

Business Intelligence

Turning your company’s data into comprehensible, readily accessible information to simplify decision-making.